Ever wondered what goes into creating a truly exceptional portrait? I’m not just talking about a great photograph—I mean the artistry, attention to detail, and craftsmanship that bring a fine art portrait to life. Let me take you behind the scenes and walk you through the process I used to create this stunning image.
To truly appreciate a fine art portrait, it’s important to understand that it’s much more than a high-quality photo. It’s a carefully crafted work of art. The photographer starts with a central concept and then builds intricate layers to bring the vision to life. This process involves thoughtful choices in clothing, color schemes, backdrops, and, most importantly, the emotions they aim to evoke in the viewer when the final image is revealed.
The original photo (shown on the right) was captured in the studio using my Canon EOS R camera, a single strobe light, and a large softbox. In this shot, the model is gazing directly into the strobe, creating a striking effect.
During the session, we experimented with adding contrasting colors to make the image more visually appealing. Take note of the red background to her left, which added depth and vibrancy to this particular photo set
I began this portrait with a clear vision of the final image I wanted to create. My goal was to make the model’s blue top stand out while capturing her gazing toward the sunrise. To achieve this, I enhanced the colors to emphasize the blues and introduced warm tones to balance the scene. I applied a subtle S-curve adjustment to the RGB levels for added vibrancy and refined the composition by slightly straightening the image. The result was an improved portrait that I was pleased with.
My next step was to take my model out of the studio and place her in a natural setting. After browsing through several nature images, I found one that perfectly captured the warm glow I envisioned. To refine it, I darkened the trees and added a subtle blur to the background, drawing the viewer’s attention to the model. While the image was starting to come together beautifully, I knew it still needed a few more adjustments to achieve the perfect final result.
My model gazes up and to the left, admiring the soft orange hues of an early morning sunrise. To make the scene feel more authentic, I added subtle shadows to the model, enhancing her natural integration into the environment. By darkening areas where shadows would naturally fall, the portrait now blends seamlessly with the warm, glowing backdrop.
Something still felt incomplete—what’s an early sunrise without a hint of fog? To add that finishing touch, I found an image of soft morning fog and layered it behind my model, letting it gently settle over the ground in the background.
After all the effort and fine-tuning, I finally achieved the look I was aiming for. Fine art photography demands dedication and attention to detail, but the stunning results make it all worthwhile.
Model: Ayeonna Gabrielle